Progress no. 1719088579

Learning React 2nd Edtion – Kirupa Chinnathambi

Amazon (Addison-Wesley Professional)

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Meet the Spead Operator

1. Introducing React
Date Started Description Date Completed
06/22/2024 @ 18:51 Old-School Multipage Design
New-School Single-Page Apps
Meet React
Conclusion 06/22/2024 @ 21:51
2. Building Your First React App
Date Started Description Date Completed
06/24/2024 @ 08:58 Dealing with JSX
Getting Your React On
Displaying Your Name
It’s All Still familiar
Conclusion 06/24/2024 @ 12:02
3. Components in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
06/24/2024 @ 12:14 Quick Review of Functions
Changing How We Deal with UI
Meet the React Component
Dealing with Children
Conclusion 06/26/2024 @ 14:27
4. Styling in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
Displaying Some Vowels
Styling React Content Using CSS
Styling Content the React Way
5. Creating Complex Components
Date Started Description Date Completed
From Visuals to components
Creating the Component
The Square Component
The Label Component
Why Component Composability Rocks
6. Transferring Properties
Date Started Description Date Completed
Problem Overview
Detailed Look at the Problem
A Better Way to transfer Properties
7. Meet JSX…Again!
Date Started Description Date Completed
What Happens with JSX?
JSX Quirks to Remember
Capitalization, HTML Elements, and Components
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere
8. Dealing with State in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
Using state
Getting Our Counter On
Optional: The Full code
9. Going from Data to UI in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
The Example
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere, Part II
Dealing with Arrays
10. Events in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
Listening and Reacting to Events
Making the Button Click Do something
Event Properties
More Eventing Shenanigans
11. The Component Lifecycle
Date Started Description Date Completed
12. Accessing DOM Elements in React
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The Colorizer Example
Meet Refs
Using Portals
13. Setting Up Your React Dev Environment Easily
Date Started Description Date Completed
Meet Create React
Creating Our HellowWorld App
Creating a Production Build
14. Working with External Data in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
web Request 101
It’s React Time
Getting the IP Address
15. Building an Awesome Todo List App in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
Getting Started
Creating the Initial UI
Building the Rest of the App
Displaying the Items
Animation! Animation! Animation!
16. Creating a Sliding Menu in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
How the Sliding Menu Works
setting Up the Sliding Menu
Getting Started
Showing and Hiding the Menu
17. Avoiding Unnecessary Renders in React
Date Started Description Date Completed
About the render Method
Optimizing render Calls
Seeing the render Calls
18. Creating a Single-Page App in React Using React Router
Date Started Description Date Completed
The Example
Getting Started
Building Our Single-Page App
It’s the Little Things
19. Introduction to Redux
Date Started Description Date Completed
What is Redux
Building a Simple App Using Redux
20. Using Redux with React
Date Started Description Date Completed
managing React State with Redux

#Book, #React

*Notes – Chapter 2 took longer than expected, as the <h1> in the example was not rendering, to find out ReactDom and ReactDOM is not equivalent. I knew the case sensitive part, but just missed the two letters (om/OM) not being the same. I am using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and I did an autocompleted, and VS Code used ReactDom. 🙁 Took about forty-five minutes to see the difference after troubleshooting and reading articles why my ReactDom.render was not working.